Copyright/Fair Use

Whaleopedia is an educational tool produced by Animal Fund, a 501(c)(3) no-profit educational organization. It is not our intention in this website to profit from any one’s work, whether it be photographs or video. Yet, under Fair Usage definitions cited below, as an educational non-profit organization, we have included in the Whaleopedia website materials freely viewable to anyone through the web, whether these materials exist on independent websites or on sites such as Youtube. In all cases, whenever possible, we have attempted to contact the photographers to receive permission to use their material and in most cases, when contact was made, permission was freely given. When contact could not be made, and where no copyright marker was attached to the material, we included these works in this educational site. In such cases, should any photographer or videographer wish to have their material removed from Whaleopedia, merely email us and their request will be honored.

“Courts have generally found that non-profit educational institutions, such as elementary schools and high schools, colleges and universities, are engaging in educational uses of copyrighted works when using the works as part of a curriculum.

Furthermore, courts often consider libraries, museums, hospitals and other nonprofit institutions to be educational institutions when they engage in nonprofit instructional, research, or scholarly activities for educational purposes. In these cases, and for the limited purposes of the seminars or training sessions, nonprofit organizations can be considered to be “educators” and the attendees to be students.”